Friday, July 8, 2011

Latest Books Read...

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A review of the World Series 2010 championship season. It offers some great anecdotes about Timmy and Jonathan Sanchez that you otherwise wouldn't know. It also confirms Pat Burrel's party boy image which includes wetting his bed while in Philadelphia getting super wasted.

Also read
Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell . It describes what circumstances helped wildly successful be successful. Notice how Steve Jobs and Bill gates were born within 2 years of each other. This is not a concidence. It also talks about the numerous planes crashes by Korean Air pilots was their submissive cultural structure of being subordinate to your superiors. This book sparks my interest in reading his other book, Tipping Point.

Next up is more teaching books, a few books I've added to my favorites on are:

(evaluator of Teach for America teachers)

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by Wendy Kopp (Hardcover)
by Doug Lemov (Paperback)
 On a side note, Atlanta bullpen dude Craig Kimbrel recommended this title which has to do with golf and life in general:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Job Hunt

I have applied to the following schools / school districts:
St. Dunstan
St. Matthews
St. Catherine’s (job vacancy filled)
Pacifica School District
San Mateo-Foster City
Belmont-Redwood Shores
Bayshore Elementary Daly City
Oakland Military Institute

It looks like I am considering taking BART to the East Bay to teach, with the benefit being I will have a job secured for this fall and I can prepare earlier than 2 weeks before the first day of school.

I am also considering teaching a Geometry summer school course, yet I am very rusty on my knowledge of it and may borrow a book and rehash my memory....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mixed Number Calculator

I'm teaching subtraction unlike mixed number fractions and throwing in some negative number problems. I found a nifty link to calculate problems:

Also teaching Plate Tectonics, will be posting some more links with pictures of what I've done.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

President's Day Lake Tahoe Trip

I plan on making outrageous videos with my Flip camera. The tripod mount and waterproof casing has been ordered so I will be taking some gnarly snowboard footage! Also in the cards is a dabble into skis or snow skis and let Chatchai borrow my snowboard one of the days.

Confirmed: Marty, Chatchai, Nicolina, Juliana, Thea, Amy, Brendan

 I'm looking forward to tearing up Homewood!